Covid-19 Support Services
As all colleagues will be aware, the impact of the pandemic is causing issues for us all, our businesses, our families and your clients. We wish all our colleagues well as each of us tries to deal with this challenging and fluid situation.
Despite the second lockdown and continued uncertainty about future restrictions, Restart BTi remains open with no interruption to the work we undertake on your behalf and for your clients. We are currently working remotely, but will ensure there is no disruption to business during these difficult times.
Our current policy is to avoid all non-essential physical meetings, however we can continue to support you fully via telephone and video conferencing as required.
Restart BTi is always looking to improve its service to clients and its own infrastructure and therefore we have recently invested in a cloud calling telephony system. The new phone system enables us to be available at any time, wherever we are. The new Restart BTi number is 01246 959388.
Sadly, it seems highly likely that many business owners and directors will have need of urgent assistance as the coming economic crisis begins to bite. Rest assured we have contingency plans in place so that advice will be available and workflows will continue unimpeded. A full service will be maintained at all times and all personal data will remain secure.
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Restart BTi
Suite 42 Dunston House
Dunston Road
S41 9QD
- 01246 959 388
- Fax: 03333 444 993
- Email:
Restart BTi is the trading name of Restart Business Turnaround Insolvency Limited, a limited company registered in England and Wales no: 11517419
Registered Office: Suite 42 Dunston House, Dunston Road, Chesterfield S41 9QD
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